
Numbers in greek
Numbers in greek

Source: Asylum Service Appeals Authority. The figures on children and unaccompanied children are part of the figures on men and women.Ĭomparison between first instance and appeal in-merit decision rates: 2020 Source: Information provided by the Asylum Service, 31 March 2021. Gender/age breakdown of the total number of applicants: 2020 Source: Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Yearly Report 2020, published in January 2021, available at: and Information provided by the Asylum Service, 31 March 2021 Total number of 1 st instance decisions/acts īreakdown by countries of origin of the total numbers:

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Īpplications and granting of protection status at first instance in 2020 The Appeals Authority has never published quarterly activity reports pursuant to Article 4(3) L 4375/2016, in which it should include statistics on appeals lodged, the percentage of cases processed in written and oral procedures, processing times of appeals, recognition rates, applications for annulment lodged against Appeals Committee decisions, applications for legal aid and beneficiaries of legal aid. At the same time, transparency and publication obligations imposed by Greek law on administrative bodies such as the Appeals Authority remain ‘dead letter’ to date. Moreover, there are substantial disparities between figures presented by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum monthly reports and Eurostat, pointing for example to respective first instance recognition rates of 44% and 69% for the first half of 2020.

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Limited information on the asylum procedure is made available in the form of monthly reports by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum. Since February 2020, the authorities have suspended the publication of statistical information by the Asylum Service, previously made available on a monthly basis.

Numbers in greek